Saturday, July 30, 2011

SQL Server New Version Denali - New Feature Sequence

One of the new featured in SQL Server 2011 – Denali is Sequence. Whoever have worked in Oracle or DB2 can easily connect to this feature and it is in the SQL Server wishlist for long time. While migrating Oracle database to SQL Server this was one area quite bit of effort needed because in previoius versions of SQL Server Sequence was not supported. Though there were workaround to achieve the same feature, there was no One to One mapping for sequence object in SQL Server. Now in SQL Server 2011 Microsoft has comeup with an equivalent. Having said that, there are behavioural changes in SQL Server sequcne from Oracle sequence. The syntex is different, there are limitation and flxibility as well. Let us try to understand more about SQL Server Sequence.

Problem :
In earlier versions of SQL Server, to Generate sequence of numeric values for a Surrogate primary key or otherwise we used to use Identity property on a Numeric Column. The Identity column was tightly coupled with the Table and it had its own advantage and disadvantage. The main issue was if you want to have same Sequence to be shared accross many tables or columns , then we had to go for a workaround. In SuperType subtype kind of relations we used to face this problem of sharing same sequence across multiple tables.

In SQL Server 2011, Microsoft has added a new Object called Sequence which is more or less similar to Oracle Sequence object.

What is Sequence in SQL Server?
A sequence is a user-defined schema-bound object that generates a sequence of numeric values according to the specification with which the sequence was created. The sequence of numeric values is generated in an ascending or descending order at a defined interval and may cycle (repeat) as requested. Generally it is used to create auto generated Primary key (surrogate key) value.

Create Sequence
As usual, you have TSQL command and GUI. TSQL Syntax is as follows

CREATE SEQUENCE [schema_name . ] sequence_name
[ AS [ built_in_integer_type | user-defined_integer_type ] ]
[ { MINVALUE [ ] } | { NO MINVALUE } ]
[ { MAXVALUE [ ] } | { NO MAXVALUE } ]
[ CYCLE | { NO CYCLE } ]
[ { CACHE [ ] } | { NO CACHE } ]
[ ; ]
You can refer this Link for more detail on Syntax.

Eg. Creating a Sequence with all arguments

CREATE SEQUENCE [dbo].Seq_EmployeeID

Eg. Creating Table with Sequence as Default value for PK. This is another way of usage.

CREATE TABLE Audit.ProcessEvents
DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR Audit.EventCounter),
EventTime datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
EventCode nvarchar(5) NOT NULL,
Description nvarchar(300) NULL
) ;

Other system Functions and Objects related to Sequence

NEXT VALUE FOR : Generates a sequence number from the specified sequence object. The NEXT VALUE FOR function can be used in stored procedures and triggers. This function also have few limitations you may want to read the details here

Sys.Sequence : Contains a row for each sequence object in a database. For more info refer this link

sp_sequence_get_range: Returns a range of sequence values from a sequence object. The sequence object generates and issues the number of values requested and provides the application with metadata related to the range.

Modify Sequence
ALTER SEQUNCE : Modifies the arguments of an existing sequence object. If the sequence was created with the CACHE option, altering the sequence will recreate the cache. For more info refer this link

Drop a sequence
DROP SEQUENCE : After generating a number, a sequence object has no continuing relationship to the number it generated, so the sequence object can be dropped, even though the number generated is still in use. For more info refer this link

Important Architectural Consideration and Limitations

(a) By default Sequence uses BIGINT Datatype and it take 8 Byte. If the requirement is to store small number, then change the datatype to TinyInt, Smallint or Int accordingly
(b) If the starting value is not defined while creating, then SQL Server set it to the lowest value what that datatype can support. So by default if the datatype is BIGINT the starting number will be (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808)
(c) The Increment cannot be 0. If the increment is a negative value, the sequence object is descending; otherwise, it is ascending. By default the increment is 1
(d) If the requirement is to migrate Oracle Sequence to SQL Server, then select the datatype as Numeric(28,0)
(e) Specify CYCLE/NOCYCLE to define the behavior if t the sequence number reaches the maximum value
(f) SQL Server as of CTP 3 does not support Current Value
(g) Cache option is different from Oracle. In oracle by default database caches 20 Sequence but in SQL Server database engine select the size. If the cache option is enabled without specifying a cache size, the Database Engine will select a size. However, users should not rely upon the selection being consistent. Microsoft might change the method of calculating the cache size without notice.
(h) Sequence objects support ownership chaining. If the sequence object has the same owner as the calling stored procedure, trigger, or table (having a sequence object as a default constraint), no permission check is required on the sequence object. If the sequence object is not owned by the same user as the calling stored procedure, trigger, or table, a permission check is required on the sequence object
(i) Altering a column and Adding Identity is not possible in SQL Server. In such scenario if adding a new column with Identity , dropping the old column and renaming the new column is not possible then may be adding SEQUENCE as a default can be a workaround

How does it differ from Identity Column?

Sequences, unlike identity columns, are not associated with tables. An application refers to a sequence object to receive its next value. The relationship between sequences and tables is controlled by the application. User applications can reference a sequence object and coordinate the values keys across multiple rows and tables.
Unlike identity columns, whose values cannot be changed, sequence values are not automatically protected after insertion into the table. To prevent sequence values from being changed, use an update trigger on the table to roll back changes.

Performance Comparison of Sequence and Identity

Aaron Bertrand has covered this in detail. Check this Blog
Other than this I did test one more case, Table with Identity and Table with Sequence as Default for PK. In the table where sequence was used, I did not provide value for the PK column so that default gets fired. In this case Identity table insert perform almost 60% Better from a table with Sequence as default. Script to Reproduce the scenario I tested is as follows :-

-- Table with sequence as default

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SequencePerf](
[EventID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](300) NULL,
[EventID] ASC


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SequencePerf] ADD DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR [Seq_EventId]) FOR [EventID]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IdentityPerf](
[EventID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](300) NULL,
[EventID] ASC


-- Run both the insert in single batch and see the cost it take. In my case it was 71:29

Insert [SequencePerf] (Description)
Select top 100000 From sys.objects o,sys.columns

Insert [IdentityPerf] (Description)
Select top 100000 From sys.objects o,sys.columns

Different Scenario of Sequence Usage in SQL Server

Create database [TestDenali]

USE [TestDenali]
CREATE SEQUENCE [dbo].[Seq_EventId]
AS [bigint]
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SequenceTest](
[EventID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Description] [nvarchar](300) NULL,
[EventID] ASC


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SequenceTest] ADD DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR [Seq_EventId]) FOR [EventID]

-- Not providing EventID value so that Default

INSERT INTO dbo.[SequenceTest](Description) select top 100 Name from sys.objects

-- Inserting bulk number of records , getting sequence in Select
INSERT INTO dbo.[SequenceTest] ([EventID],description)
SELECT top 100 NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId AS SecondUse, Name from sys.objects

-- Insert a single row

INSERT [SequenceTest] ([EventID],description)
VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId, 'Test') ;

-- Usage with SELECT INTO
SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId AS EventID, Description
INTO [SequenceTest_clone]
FROM [SequenceTest] ;
-- Temp table
SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId AS EventID, Description
INTO [#SequenceTest_clone]
FROM [SequenceTest] ;

-- Creating Temp table with Sequence as Defualt

CREATE TABLE #SequenceTest (
[Description] [nvarchar](300) NULL,
[EventID] ASC

INSERT #SequenceTest ([EventID],description)
VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId, 'Test') ;
INSERT #SequenceTest ( description)
VALUES ( 'Test') ;
Select *from #SequenceTest

-- Creating Table Variable with Sequence as Default

Declare @SequenceTest TABLE (
[Description] [nvarchar](300) NULL)

INSERT @SequenceTest ([EventID],description)
VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId, 'Test') ;
INSERT @SequenceTest ( description)
VALUES ( 'Test') ;

Select *From @SequenceTest
-- Table Valued Parameter
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[SequenceTestTableType] AS TABLE
[EventID] INT DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId), description VARCHAR(128)
Msg 11719, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in check constraints, default objects, computed columns, views,
user-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, sub-queries, common table expressions, or derived tables.

Create view vwTestSequence
SELECT top 10000 NEXT VALUE FOR Seq_EventId AS SecondUse,description FROM dbo.Sequencetest

Msg 11719, Level 15, State 1, Procedure vwTestSequence, Line 4
NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in check constraints, default objects, computed columns, views,
user-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, sub-queries, common table expressions, or derived tables.


-- Capture the Inserted Sequencenumber using OUTPUT. In SuperType-Subtype scenario may be usefule
Declare @tab table (Eventid int)
Insert [SequencePerf] (Description) OUTPUT inserted.[EventID] Into @tab
Select top 100000 From sys.objects o,sys.columns
SELECT *From @tab


Saturday, July 23, 2011

SQL Server New Version - Denali - Step by Step Installation

SQL Server 2011 – Denali CTP 3 is recently released and as usual there are many new features which will enhance SQL Server footprint in Enterprise Database arena. The main advantage with Microsoft what I see is, they have all three layer in their control ie. Operating system , Database and Programming languages. They can leverage this freedom and integrate all these three layer well and come up with good end products which of course have a limitation of Only on Windows platform. This is the reason why we have great tool like Management Studio which is powered by Visual Studio and makes database administrators /developers/users life easy.

The major new configuration change in installation process is Distributed Reply Component Configuration. This component enable Realtime stress Workload testing against your database server. If you don’t want to install this option while selecting services don’t opt “Distributor Replay Controller” and “Distributed Replay Controller Client”

Another new service you can see while installation is “Data Quality Service”. This is a new feature added in Denali for knowledge-driven data cleansing solution.
You may want to see the FAQ link for DQS…

For any installation you must be aware of the Hardware and software requirement. So for Denali. Here is the link for Pre-requisite

Once you ensure that you have a system which meets the mentioned hardware and software requirement , here is the next steps

SQL Server Code-Named “Denali” Evaluation Edition is supported on the Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2, Windows 2008 R2 SP1, and Windows 7 SP1 operating systems.

Pre-Installation Steps
• Refer the above mentioned sites and ensured that your system meet all the requirements
• Ensure that you have planned your Instance name if it is a named Instance
• Ensure that you have planned all the Data Directory. Ie. Where to keep System Databases, TempDB, and User Databases.(if not you can go by Default but it is not generally recommended).
• Ensure that you have planned Startup Account for all the services. (if not you can go by Default but it is not generally recommended.)
• Ensure that you have a list of features that you wants to install. Like if you are not going to use Filestream no need to configure that during installation

My System Configuration
• Operating System : Windows Vista SP2
• Existing SQL Server Instance
o Default Instance : SQL Server 2008 SP 1
o Named Instance 1: SQL Server 2008 RTM
o Named Instance 2 : SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM
Named Instance 3 : SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP3

Step 1 : Download the Binary from http

Step 2 : Extract the downloaded binary and start installation as shown below

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 23

Summary : I had SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition, SQL Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Edition on my Machine and all of these instance in the first look working fine. Not found any abnormal behaviour so far. Hope all these versions can co-exists. My SQL Server 2011 CP3 is installed and good to go
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